Monday, May 18, 2015

It is unfortunate that we are completely unsure that Mr. Einstein did in fact say that fantastic quote. Whoever did was in fact a genius. So it could have been him for sure. I digress. We are a generation of IDIOTS. Its sad, its true, I am one of them. Last night I dropped and broke my phone. It was a Samsung galaxy S5. (The camera sucks! Don't get it) Well my first reaction, I panicked. In a sense. You never want to be that person who is codependent on an electronic device. You may even be reading this and say wow is this chick serious? But break the shit out of your phone and talk to me. Anyways I don't know about you but I would spend countless obsessive minutes on my phone. Think about it. When you don't know anyone what do you do? You text someone, pretend to text, play on an app... etc. At work in the cafeteria, at a dog park, at a bus station, in a train terminal, AT YOUR FRIENDS PARTY. You are too important or unsocial to start a conversation with a complete stranger. We don't connect anymore. At least not on a real level at first. Its sad and horrific. Remember when you wanted to get in touch with someone and you only had one way, in person? I watched one of my favorite movies the other day and one quote from it was "People do not meet organically anymore." It is so true. I will never forget the best way any man has ever asked for my number. I was in a mall and a guy came up to me, introduced himself, asked my name, complimented me and asked to hang out sometime. You know what he followed through. I had a boyfriend at the time and was so impressed I gave him my number. Did I act on it? No. Should I have. Absofuckinglutely. People like that seize the day and make the best possible scenario out of it. So, I have decided to go off the GRID. Yeah, I am not getting a new phone for the next month. In fact I will only keep one old ass flip phone charged and off in case of emergencies. I will not blog every day but will check in throughout the month to document the change. Come along on my journey whatever it may bring and remember friends at the end of the day.....

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